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Evaluation and Lightweighting of Glass Container Designs

Participants will learn key design principles necessary to achieve acceptable bottle performance. Skills are taught that can be used to evaluate finite element analysis (FEA) of new concept designs. In addition improvements in existing designs and techniques for lightweighting container will be covered.

Topics to be covered:

  • The Principles of Design and Performance Requirements
  • The Effect of Loads and Stresses as they relate to Bottle Design Issues
  • Establishing Glass Surface Strength Criteria and the Selection of
  • Strength Indices
  • Design Sensitivities                                          
  • Lightweighting opportunities, advantages and thickness distribution considerations
  • Impact Equivalence
  • Bottle Design Workshops and Case Studies


The seminar is intended to benefit a range of staff responsibilities, including those with bottle design responsibility, sales and marketing personnel with a need to understand design limitations, manufacturing and quality personnel that would benefit from understanding manufacturing issues as they relate to critical regions of the bottle design, customer service representatives needing an understanding of the expectations for a given design and bottling personnel wanting to understand the performance limitations of a particular bottle design.

Seminar Duration: Two Days

Training Cost
$1,620 USD, 1.620 EUR

Upcoming Training Events

Oct 24 - Oct 25
Evaluation and Lightweighting of Glass Container Designs
Butler, PA, USA